Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Photo Essay of Two Rallies: 8/28 vs. 10/2

I pulled these photos from various websites and believe, taken together, they portray what our nation is up against....those who want government to allow them to take care of themselves/their neighbors vs. those who want to be taken care of by government. The "Crowds" set tells the good news--there are more of the former than the latter. The "Brotherhood" set tells the story of what each group thinks of the term. The "Kids" set tells a frightening story. The "Trash" set tells the story of what each group thinks of personal responsibility and the respect each group has for our nation's Capital and for themselves.

The Crowds:

The Restoring Honor Rally
August 28,  2010 

The One Nation "Liberal" Rally, 
October 2, 2010

The Brotherhood

The Restoring Honor Rally
August 28, 2010

The One Nation "Liberal" Rally,
October 2, 2010

The Children

The Restoring Honor Rally
August 28, 2010


The One Nation "Liberal" Rally
October 2, 2010

The Trash


The Restoring Honor Rally
August 28, 2010   


The One Nation "Liberal" Rally
October 2, 2010


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