Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hey Capt

looks like you have managed to irritate someone. I found this on the forum pages

Keep up the good work I enjoyed everyone, esp the chickens. :)


  1. LOL...and the funny thing is..I didn't expect it to last so long.

  2. I give my comment on that a two minute life expectancy

  3. Three full days of one blogger hogging all 10 recommended blog spaces. Something's wrong with your blog management if you can't or won't screen cheaters .
    Posted by MrHyde

    From what I've heard, he wanted to show how easily a good writer could replace some copy and pasters

  4. Oh the DRAMA. For crying out loud people (Mr. Hyde), move on, nothing to see here.

    Just great writing. IMO, if you don't agree or don't care for the opinion just move on. I don't read or participate in left wing stuff. I hang with the kids on the playground that like to play the same games as me.

  5. we moved the faggot posts off the site

  6. Loved it. Hope the varmint did not go blind with all the extra time on his hands last weekend.

  7. Anonymous,

    I hope you put them some place warm, dry and where they'll have lots of company.

    Don't want tem to get lonely


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