Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Greatest Generation

Just couldn't let this one pass without comment. This morning Wednesday 20 February, 2010, there was an excellent article in my local newspaper. Naturally I wanted to leave a comment thanking Mr. Baggett for his service and continued care for our nation and our youth. The article only allowed Recommends, but I couldn't let it lay.

First off, thank you Mr. Baggett for your service. I also want to thank you from my heart for sharing your experiences and informing our youth. These are stories they need to hear. Too often our youth are too pre-occupied or too electronically connected to take the time to speak to or even listen to those with first hand knowledge of our country's History. In many cases past History is neglected in lieu of Revisionist History or a not so vague attempt to teach Social issues via the History text. A first hand account will leave a lasting impression. I also applaud the Montgomery County School System and Rossview High for allowing Mr. Baggett to tell his story.

Last May I had the privilege of being in Washington DC on business. I went a day early to visit many of our most hallowed Memorials. At the World War II Memorial I happened upon a group from a Wisconsin Honor Flight. Over 300 WW II Veterans were visiting their Memorial. The sight and experience brought me to tears. Many had on their ribbons, and a few were in uniform. I unofficially adopted a Marine in a wheel chair and asked him if there was time for me to take him over to the Marine Corps Memorial in Arlington, VA. He smiled and said that is where the busses are headed next. After getting him back with his group, I headed across the bridge to meet them at their next stop. Corporal Timmons had a big smile and a wave for me as they helped him off the bus. Not so sure about my new hero, but I had a wonderful day.

That afternoon I spoke with and shook the hands of as many of the "Greatest Generation that I could. Some were there with their spouse or now elderly children. Others were escorted by current active duty Military from all Branches of the Service. There was even 1 young lady who had flown new bombers from Long Beach, California to Hickam Field in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. I also met men who had come ashore in Normandy and Iwo Jima. A day I will always cherish, and will never forget.

Which now brings me to my urgent plea. These WW II veterans and members of that Greatest Generation are passing by the 1000's every day. All are now well into their 80's and 90's. If you are able, please help these great Americans visit their Memorial. God Bless them all! (Florida) (Tennessee Valley) (National Organization)


  1. Sure is,

    To add to the Marines suggestion. If you are able, listen to them, they have stories, write them down and preseve them.


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