Monday, October 4, 2010

Dirty Tricks and Biases?

Well, Grumpy has posted some articles about dirty tricks and biases lately - just in Tallahassee we have continual back to back political "ads" that slam and slur candidates - they are evil, dishonest, and they don't bathe! LOL. Sorry, couldn't resist that. There are no facts posted about issues and what the candidate proposes besides smoke and mirrors.

Well, I am biased against dirty campaigns, stories being twisted by anyone to make anyone else look slimy, speeches that never say anything other than the candidate can walk on water and recite the abcs, no one listening to the other viewpoints just in case they might actually learn something, lies about the other candidates, throwing in accusations about sexual preferences, religion, nationality, blah, blah... and I am SO tired of Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin - and I am an Independent, not D or R. I would trust Rush with my pet snapping turtle and Sarah is out for Sarah, no one else.

Well, there - all my frustrations on a Monday thrown out for y'all to laugh at. But from where I sit, as the little girl on Laugh In used to say, "And that's the truf." Pffffft.


  1. Old lady

    Think most of us will be glad when it's over.. I don't follow TDO anymore. Who's acting like a idiot up there?

  2. Grumpy - all the candidates for local, state, and national positions, it seems.

  3. Old Lady; One reason I don't watch much TV, I hate commercials.

    This is looking like a pretty bitter election, possibly one of the ugliest in out lifetimes


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