Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Don't Cry for me Argentina

Morgansailor, one of the author's on Today I'm Grumpy About asked me to post this.  The title speaks for itself... Could the United States of America end up like Argentina? That could well be determined November 2, 2010.  Don't forget to vote.

Don't cry for me Argentina America 

Can the United States end up as Argentina did? Not unless we:

1. Have a leader who believes that the earned wealth of those who labor
should be shared with all of those who do not.

2. Have in place social programs that permit the government to "guide all
citizens" from womb to tomb

3. Have a government closely aligned with labor unions, and willing to
usurp laws to support them to the detriment of the corporations that employ
the union personnel.

4. Have politicians unwilling to understand what they are voting for and
who vote as told to by their progressive senior political masters.

Oops..Yikes...please spend a few moments viewing this one, then make up your own mind.

mimstech's channel    Sarah Brightman - Don't Cry For Me Argentina

A corrolation between Argentina in the early 1900's and America today.

How is that Hope & Change working out for you???


  1. hope the little cub don't grow up to be a faggot like his big cub is and maybe the karma will roll downhill too. "the sins of the father, are visited to the children in generation after generation" bible ask skankz

  2. Hey woofy. Do you wake up some mornings and just think is it all really worth it? If not you should. You suck up too much valuable oxygen for those of us trying to help mankind. Evidently you never learned to lead or follow. Now kindly get the hell out of our way. We have an avalanche or Tsunami to attend on 11/02. Wouldn't want to be late due to a miscreant.

    Since you obviously never learned what that means, Here is the definition:

    Miscreant - a person without moral scruples. reprobate. offender, wrongdoer - a person who transgresses moral or civil law. degenerate, deviant, deviate, pervert - a person whose behavior deviates from what is normally acceptable

    Yeah, that is you.....

  3. Marine, being way to complementry to her.

  4. Grumpy - I can't hold it under the water till it turns blue. Some frown on that. Perhaps I can. Waterboarding hasn't yet been ruled illegal has it?

  5. LOL...they use Earth Link..what a loser.

    New Smyrna Beach...Interesting looking house. I will send you the details Grumpy.

    Don't play with the geeks!

  6. Capt Black, Catch another camper with the IP Search? Are you using GeoBytes, or something similar? I like GeoBytes mostly because the application just sounds so COOL.

    Don't spend any time worrying about our Boy / Girl, whatever here. They'll have moved the trailer long before anyone finds the vacant lot.

    Grumpy, I'm still liking the image of the 6'3" Progressive Hermaphrodite for 'Woofie'.

    Well, maybe 'liking' is to strong a word... 'Intrigued' may be a better descriptor.

    Keep laughing guys, it keeps them 'confunded'. Have a great night folks... Gotta get back to Band. Rock happens.

  7. GeoBytes is pretty cool...Whois is good too.

  8. Moos - Kinda get an interesting visual of what we are dealing with when the tires/wheels on the trailer are interchangeable with its vehicle.


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