Wednesday, September 1, 2010

You Have "The Dream", Just Pick It Up!

After all of the fussing over the Glenn Beck “Restoring Honor” rally “stealing”, or “hijacking” the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., message, I read Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” speech. What I saw in the speech surprised me. I have heard it several times, but by no means did I ever memorize it. A sentence or two stuck with me, but nothing close to the whole thing. Thus, reading it was something that would serve me well. A good idea and it was very interesting.

In that speech – whose message and idea were no more “hijacked” by Glenn Beck than the Lincoln Memorial was that day – I see that Glenn Beck was actually fulfilling that speech and Al Sharpton, et al, have no right to complain about it.

For instance, in his speech, Dr. King – who stood at the Lincoln Memorial but in a different spot than Beck – said this, “the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.” While there is no guarantee that former slaves and former slave holders were there or that if they were there, that they were together, there were both black and white at the rally and there was peace and brotherhood at the Restoring Honor rally.

Dr. King’s dream included the, “state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.” Mississippi is just that, as is the rest of America. .....Read the rest here.


  1. Just could not resist. This from our lovely young lady in TN.

    Countryfirstnow wrote:

    You do know MLK was a Republican, right? How typical of the racist leftists to believe they OWN Martin Luther King's birthday! You leftist twits need to wake up and realize the party you so ferverishly champion is the party which wanted to keep Martin Luther King as a slave, not as a free man. idiots.

    Here, try reading this. Maybe it will help penetrate the fog of liberalism clouding your mind.

  2. USMC1949, I don't know who "our lovely young lady in TN" is, but she's right. King was a Republican until the Dems. had him in jail and he had to make a deal -- part of which was to switch parties -- in order to get released. They coerced him into changing political parties, he did not do it of his own free will.

  3. SCC - She has been a close friend for 2 years now. Met her at a Nashville TEA Party. If not for her husband and my wife, I'd sure be courting this woman. Grumpy is aware of her no nonsense retort to idiocy. This lady asks for no quarter and also gives none. A kinder more honest woman would be difficult to find except for maybe FastZ in your neck of the woods.

  4. Sounds good to me, USMC1949 and Grumpyelder. I like honest folks, even if it is considered blunt honesty and/or brutally honest. I would prefer to be told the truth than lied to any day. I cannot abide liars, so your "lovely young lady in TN" is A-OK with me.

    BTW, USMC, those two caveats are good things to remember. "If" is the biggest word in the English language and it makes life bearable and unbearable at times, but it is always there. It's usually our job to deal with it.

  5. BTW, note of curiosity here. What post was TN responding to?

  6. Grumpy - CFN is a Momma Grizzly. She will toy with the prey. Bearcat is just a "Take no prisoners" kind of lady. You ought to see the two of them together. FastZ would quickly become friends with both.

    SCC - CFN had that comment on another "Letter To The Editor" on my local Gannett rag here in TN. It seemed appropriate for this Blog.

  7. Fuuny that Dr King's self appointed replacement could only get 3000 people to attend his rally in a city like DC.


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