Monday, September 20, 2010

Obama, Misquoting or Changing the Declaration?

Most American High School Kids can recite this from memory 

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, from the Declaration of Independence. July 4th 1776

Why can't the President of The United States.

Unless this is part of the "Change" he promised.


  1. Some idiot forgot the line on the teleprompter. God knows he wouldn't know those words from heart. At least he didn't say :by their ALLAH:. I dislike him more every day

  2. Fishy.. the expression on his face, he knew it, he stopped short and thought about it..

    If he fumbled it.. or read past it.. okay it's a gaffle.. it happens, from the look on his face it was no gaffles.

  3. He isn't stupid Grumpy. Calculated yes, but not stupid

  4. Blaming it on the teleprompter idiot is like blaming it on Bush. The dude IS stupid if he thinks he's fooling us for even a moment. Never has...never will!

  5. I suppose he can not make up his mind between God and Allah. He is probably just reverting to form and this is his way of voting "Present". He took that to an art form while a state Senator in illinois.

  6. There is a "song" about Obama ... written by a middle school football coach ... he was fired because of the song ... The hand that holds the hammer ...

    Pessimistic about the whole dang mess!!

  7. Piffle, everyone. I even forget my husband's name at times. I learned this in high school and probably can still quote it if I tried hard enough.

  8. Old Lady.. You forget your husbands mame with it on a teleprompter in front of your face?

  9. Teleprompter may not always be correct, they make mistakes too--Just a thought.

  10. There's a definite pause...
    Maybe it's just that the rhythm of the speech is off with the word out.
    Whether it's a mistake or policy, it does show the kind of political operator that he is.

  11. I tried to post a comment about how I can recognize my husband, but it got blocked, so use your imagination - or think butkus. Anyway, I don't keep my teleprompter in the family room - and half the time I forget to turn it on anyway. LOL

  12. That's strange, there's no restrictions at all on contributors


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