Saturday, September 18, 2010

Not so funny money

It seems in what looks like their finial few months of power, the left is still trying to  "Fundamentally Change America" into their idea of a "Progressive Modern Society".  Like the Constitution, everything has to be modernized.  That includes our currency.  It's seems there is a movement to do just that,  a petition drive to change the appearance of our money, Huffington Post seems to be happy to promote it.    

I guess those of you that still believe Obama is a great man, and not just gifted with an ability to use a teleprompter unusually well might deem him the appropriate replacement for George Washington, one the One Dollar Bill.   The man who led Americans though a long miserable war and finally defeated the the British in Yorktown Virginia and gave America her freedom.  For you we have this..

Ditherer in Chief replaces George Washington,  our 
first President, and the man most responsible for winning the 
American Revolution

For the rest of you there's more

The article in Huffington Post start off like this..

The American dollar is in bad need of a makeover. Thanks to the Dollar ReDe$ign Project, we may now have some options.

Liberal propagandist Arianna Huffington, of the Huffington Post seems to think we need to recreate our image.  It won't come as a great surprise, but one reason is, we need to look more like the the Europeans.  The idea was originated by Richard Smith who operates a website called Dollar ReDe$ign Project,  To quote Smith, on his Website we find this: 

 "It seems so obvious to us that the 'only' realistic way for a swift economic recovery is through a thorough, in-depth, rebranding scheme – starting with the redesign of the iconic US Dollar – it's the 'only' pragmatic way to add some realistic stimulation into our lives! Therefore, you must take part and we really want to see what YOU would do."
And this
 Besides our great 'rival', the Euro, looks so spanky in comparison it seems the only clear way to revive this global recession is to rebrand and redesign. Why not ? It seems to work for everyone else ...

Arianna Huffington needs pick up a Greek newspaper or three and check out the situation in her native Greece and the rest of the thriving European Union.  The Euro and the European Union managed to painfully survive the Greek economic failure.  Now it's threatened with a possible collapse of Ireland's economy, Spain and Portugal are far from being remotely solvent.  

I think Smith better quit smoking whatever he's puffing on now and go back to cigarettes.  Changing the way our currency looks won't do a damn thing to changes America's economy, unless it's being used to cover a devaluation of the dollar..  

Raffle Tickets?

Bank America got a Bailout, California's begging for
one, and Hollywood's been hinting

Is Huffington is looking for a distraction, something that will divert American's attention away from Obama's economic failures, before the elections.  Something  Democrats can campaign on...  

"If you reelect us, we can bring back the Hope and Change  Obama promised.  We can fix all your problems and the Nations Problems by changing our image and modernizing our currency"

Yeah, I know it sounds stupid, but remember, these are the same people who thought they could convince Americans to swallow Obamacare and like it.  

Hopefully someone at Huffington Just wants to change the wall or toilet paper patterns in the restrooms, and is looking for public opinion.  Before you comment be sure to read the Huffington Post Story and visit  Dollar ReDe$ign Project website where you can vote for your favorite...

At the top of the page I said this was a movement, a petition drive at the moment I couldn't find any indication there was any Government Money involved, at least at the moment.   Keep in mind some of the things the Congress, and this President has funded.  If they can spent hundreds of millions to teach sexual hygiene to African men, I'm sure they can find a stray fifty-million  or so for the Dollar ReDe$ign Project

Comments are open, tell us what you think 


  1. Before you throw something I'd suggest everyone look at these links, from the Dollar ReDe$ign Project

    They're are some people around trying to say this is a done deal... the best information I can find does not indicate that to be factual.

  2. Would think food stamps or perhaps a new $2.00 bill. Yeah, I still think they are pretty queer.

  3. Perhaps the plan to make counterfeiting easier. Betcha Organizing for America formerly known as acorn already has the presses and scanners in operation. How better to re-distribute than to just create more. Don't lose that Goldline link just yet.


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