Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Very First Blog

My husband, Mr Fishy, put forth a great idea last weekend. Instead of registering to vote. Show up at the polls with your tax return. If you didn't pay any taxes you don't get to vote. People that actually have something in the game should be making the decisions.

I know this is short but hey it's my first time. I'll get better.


  1. For a very long time, in several States you had to be property owner to vote.. not sure, but that could have also meant your property taxes had to be current.

  2. BTW, I've seen some of the discussions you've started of the Forums, and you've started some some wild ones. Blogs aren't much different. and you're creative.

  3. Kinda sorta (Actually) love the idea, but then we would be mean old Republicans discriminating against the poor. Not like it wouldn't legitamately be "Taxation with Representation". As it is for at least 47%, they get "Representation (bad) without Taxation".

  4. Exactly what he was referring to USMC. I knew about the property owner law Grumpy and why that was put in place but that left way too many people out. Of course as USMC says 47% wouldn't fit the criteria. If you are retired and collecting SS you would be exempt because you already paid taxes for 50 years. The libs would scream their collective heads off.

  5. Fishylady - But that would be a collective "BAHHHHHH". Wonder if mutton tastes anything like chicken?

  6. About 3 years ago I took a trip to Canada from my home in Montana. At the time the U.S. was requiring everyone to have birth certificate to prove citizenship. I did not have my certified certificate, and it would not arrive in time..So I equipped myself with my Military ID Retired ID card and voter registration card.

    On returning the customs agent (a very stuffy person) requested my ID. I gave him my Military ID card, Voter Registration, and Drivers License. He said he needed a copy of my birth certificate...I told him..are you suggesting that a non-citizen can get a voter registration card.

    He let me back in.

  7. Not so funny Capt, you might have gotten lucky. I moved back to Maryland my oldest daughters first year in College. Notre Dame in Baltimore. She used my address as her permanent residence. She had a Maryland DL and was registered Maryland Voter.

    Four years later she applied for the Masters Program at the University of Maryland.. She was accepted, but turned down for Resident Tuition.

    Maryland has under and over 21 Drivers Licenses.. When she turned 21 she traded her kid DL for her adult license (can't walk into a club without it). That made the issue date on her DL less than two years.

    Then she tried her voter registration card.. and was told. "You don't have to be a resident of Maryland to vote here"

    My State Senator happened to own a deli I frequented.

  8. Fishygal, I like your idea. I too believe all voters should have a stake in the pot. Nearly every one files a tax return, even if they get all their withheld tax money back. I think the govt should keep 5 bucks, to cover the cost of processing, and then even those people would have a stake in the pot.


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