Saturday, September 11, 2010

Lest we forget

Composed at the battlefront on May 3, 1915 during the second battle of Ypres, Belgium in World War I this poem written by by John MacCrea still has meaning today, as it has in all wars;

In Flanders fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place: and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead: Short days ago,
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved: and now we lie
In Flanders fields!

Take up our quarrel with the foe
To you, from failing hands, we throw
The torch: be yours to hold it high

If ye break faith with us who die,
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields

Today is the Ninth Anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attack on the United States by Muslim Extremists, an attack that killed hundreds more Americans than 'The Day That has Lived in Infamy",  the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, at the time a territory. 

The Attack on Pearl Harbor Killed 2403 Americans all but 68 were members of the United States Military, and wounded another 1178 including 35 Civilians.

In the 911 Attack 2,977 Died: 246 on the Aircraft, 2,606 in New York City  and 125 at the Pentagon., 55 of those were members of the Armed Forces, the rest were civilians

"Take up our quarrel with the foe, to you, from failing hands, we throw, the torch: be yours to hold it high," 

The Attack on Pearl Harbor forced the the United State to enter World War II, America Lost 418,000 Killed in Action and 670,000 Wounded.  Overall over 50,000,000 were killed.

So Far the United States has lost 7,000 Military Dead and 40,000 Military Wounded in the War on Terror, in addition to the almost 3,000 that got us into this.  Guesstimates on the total killed and wounded vary, depending on who is trying to make what point.

During World War II the population of the United States was roughly half what it is now, nearly one out of every 350 Americans were Killed.  The  War on Terror has cost the lives of roughly one in 4000.

Our Parents, Grand Parents and Great Grand Parents were will to give whatever it took to defend the Country they gave to us,  

"If ye break faith with us who die, We shall not sleep, though poppies grow"

Sadly I'm not so sure their Children, Grandchildren and Great Grand Children are willing to do the same for their children and generations yet unborn.  More and more I'm hearing people say forget about it, we can't win and the list goes on.  Michael Hughes on HuffingtonPost put it this way :

"Even more hideous is the way in which these bigots try to hide their overt prejudice in the emotional guise of love and caring, purportedly because they believe we must be 'sensitive' to the families of the victims of 9/11.".

Mr Hughes and the others can put it that way, at there own risk.  Here's one example of how they is how they think about it.

 Abdurahman Khadr is the brother of Omar Khadr, a Gitmo Detainee charged with War Crimes he Committed when he was 15,, Another brother was paralized and his father killed in a firefight with American Forces on the Afghan/Paki Border. His father Moved the Family from Canada to Afghanistan in the nineties to join up with Bin Laden. This is from an interview Khadr gave to Terrence McKenna in 2004 after he returned to Canada.

In terms of the religious training that you got in Al Qaeda camps or around your father, how [did] they regard non-believers and the duty to fight and jihad?

In Islam, there is a saying by the prophet that there will always be a group of Muslims, very little, but these are going to be the group of Allah. These group are always going to fight for Islam. There's always going to be this group. They're going to be very little, very disgraced by people, everybody [will] try to kill them. But if you are with this group, this is the group that will go straight to [paradise]. This is the right group, if you're around that time, try to get to that group.

So they believed they were that group of people. They believed that they're on the right way, what they're doing is right and any Muslim in his right mind should get into this group.

But you know, at no point did I believe in suicide bombing. Two or three times, I'm not sure, but two times, I'm sure now, my father himself tried to get me to become a suicide bomber. He sat me down with the Al Qaeda scholar, he sat me down with the person to train people to become suicide bombers. He sat me down with these two people and tried to convince me to become a suicide bomber. He's like, you know, you'd be our pride in this family, you'd be our pride if you do this. But I was totally against it. I was like, I believe in fighting, you know, someone on the ground and he shoots me and I shoot him. But I don't believe in blowing myself up, killing innocent people. I don't. I just don't believe in that. …

Try and change that line of reasoning with words if you want, these folks should be fun to deal with too.,

Al-Qaeda fighters swell Taliban ranks

Al Jazeera gains exclusive access to a Taliban group in northern Afghanistan, where more foreign recruits are seen.

These People want to restore the Golden and of Islamic Conquest, enjoy, they also have stories you're not like to see reported the same way on MSNBC

The Islamic Khilafah and its illustrious Golden Age..    

The call for the Islamic Khilafah is growing in momentum the world over as each day passes by. From North Africa to Far East, Europe to Central Asia, Muslims are working tirelessly to restore the Khilafah. This has been recognised even by the western colonial powers and their puppet slaves who illegitimately rule the Muslim world today. In a major speech, delivered on 5th September 2006 to US military officers and US diplomats, George W Bush attempted to mislead the world about what the forthcoming Khilafah will look like in the 21st century. Bush sought to bolster support from the western world for the infamous "war on terror" and his speech was thus unsurprisingly littered with venomous propaganda and lies. Following the footsteps of his Crusader ancestors like Pope Urban II, Bush falsely declared that Muslims who want to regain their political destiny by restoring the Khilafah wish to,

"...establish a violent political utopia across the Middle East, which they call Khilafah, where all would be ruled according to their hateful ideology... This Khilafah would be a totalitarian Islamic empire encompassing all current and former Muslim lands, stretching from Europe to North Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia".[1]

What Bush described as a "totalitarian empire" was in fact the leading civilisation that led the world in every known field. This article seeks to illustrate some of the great achievements of the Khilafah in the early Abbasid period, commonly referred to as the Golden Age. Due to its limited scope, this article adopts a thematic approach and therefore only examines the following aspects: life in the cities; economy, trade and industry; education, science and intellectual progression; life of non-Muslims and da'wah; and politics and governance.

Most Muslims are much more interested it their own personal lives to want to go killing people.  Most Muslims would much prefer to live in peace. This is true, and it's true of all people and all religions.  But there is a percentage that's different, they still believe  the Qur'an should be followed the was it was a thousand years ago.  Ignore them at your own risk.

Islamic law covers every aspect of life, the authority of religious leaders ranks above the law of government in some cases. There is no separation of church and State, the way Americans know it.. As we've learned in Iran, Religion often controls government

I'm not talking about your co-workers, Doctor or cab driver, they're not any different then you or I.. 

Today is a good day to remember not just what happened, but who was responsible.


  1. I will never forget, and contrary to my religious belief, I also will not forgive. It is an idealogy and will not be suppressed until all followers of that ideology are eliminated. If not us, who? If not now, when? I want my grandchildren to feel safe within the borders of their own country whenever and wherever.


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