Wednesday, September 22, 2010


A couple weeks ago President Obama complained that he was being talked about like a dog.  

Democrats have had control of Congress four years, for the last two they had  an overwhelming majority and the keys to the White House.  Now with an election six weeks away they're back at their grand  accomplishments and saying. 

"We did what we're supposed to do, we gave the President and Party leadership everything we possibly could, what went wrong.?"

 TNR, The New Republic isn't one of my favorite online opinion sites.  A day or so ago in a piece titled Can’t Run on It, Can’t Run Away From It, William Galston caught my eye.  In the article, Galston reminded readers of an old story that goes like this.

 A big firm gets an account to launch a new brand of dog food. It’s an all-hands-on-deck operation, with people working flat-out on logos, slogans, music, endorsements, product placement, and ads suited to every medium. Launch day comes, and everything goes perfectly. But after a couple of weeks, sales are miserable, and it becomes clear that the campaign is tanking.

The entire firm gathers in the big conference room for a gloomy post-mortem. Each element of the launch is second-guessed, and recriminations are flying. Finally, a junior writer in a seat against the wall timidly raises his hand and ventures his opinion: “Maybe the dogs didn’t like it.”

Now too late, Democratic Politicians are realizing in their mad rush to make President and Party happy they forgot all about the dogs voters dogs (Yeah dogs works).  Now with the dogs snarling instead of wagging their tails. Democrats are saying  "Oh My God. what have we done to ourselves,."

All of a sudden. Congressional Democrats are the ones calling for repeal of Obamacare.  Congressional Democrats are talking about extending the Bush Tax cuts.  Nancy Pelosi is facing a mutiny with some Democrats calling for her resignation as Speaker of the House.  They don't to worry, her resignation as Speaker is coming soon, not soon enough perhaps but soon.  San Fransisco will send her back to Congress, they don't want her on the West Coast any more than the rest of us want her in DC.  Don't worry I'm sure incoming Speaker of the House Bohner has something in mind to keep her busy.

Obama still hasn't figured out when the dogs start curling their lips and showing their fangs they mean business.   Obama can't understand... the best minds the far left has to offer, determined exactly what the dogs "WILL" like.  If the dogs don't like it, it must mean the dogs are stupid...  Stupid or not, here's what the dogs think about the recipe

Admittedly American Dogs are particular about they eat and it's almost impossible to please all of us.    We never, well almost never, give a grade above a "C"... so an occasional "D" isn't going to get a politician's hand chewed off... but when the best you have to offer is one weak "D" and the rest.. It's best to throw the the reciepe out and start over, Before the Dogs get hungry.

Instead the President's dog food experts convinced Congress if they could manage to please one group of dogs, the rest will wise up..  Once again Congress fell for it and concentrated on the Democrats, that  seemed like the smart move. after all it was the Democrats who convinced Independents to give the new stuff a try in the first place. Besides, that other bunch of mutts never listen anyway.  This is how that worked out, 

That didn't work out so well either, by the time finals were over, Congress managed a low "D" rating from the ungrateful dogs they tried to please, and the rest were mad.  The mad dogs were starting to convince the good dogs instead of the other way around.  They quit paying attention to, offers of little treats, soda and even sugared cool aid... many revolted competely and started drinking "strong, unsweetened tea".

Now the dogs are mad and hungry and they're about chew up any Obamacrat they can get their teeth into.

Americans might be dogs  Mr President, don't confuse us with


And some advice to those that will be taking over for the the Outgoing Congress

 Those numbers had better change


1 comment:

  1. 52.7% was NOT a mandate. Especially with much more important priorities. Reminds me of Nero.


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