Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Defining Moment

I am not exactly sure which moment it was, but I definitely remember the day. That was 01/20/2009. For me, that day will live in infamy.

Yeah, I pouted when the demwits gained control of the House & Senate in 2006, but life went on. I was fully cognizant of the impending doom. I had paid very close attention during the Tech Boom, and vowed that I would never again get caught up in the hype of greed and get rich quick schemes. Having worked in Phoenix, Arizona during much of 2005, it was easy to see the Housing Bubble had been turned up a few notches. The Bubble was beginning to resemble the fanaticism of that Yahoo, E-Bay, & Amazon craze of the late '90's. In December of 2005, I Re-Aligned my retirement accounts to less sexy Money Market Funds and AAA Bonds. Throughout much of 2006 and most of 2007 I was questioning my Financial genius, but held true to my belief that the dems would eventually "Screw The Pooch" so to speak. It did not take too long. Within 9 months, it all began to unravel.

Along came 2008, and the campaigning was in high gear. All this promise of "Hope and Change" had become nauseating, but I remembered the dastardly deeds initiated by Hillary during '93 and '94. Being as how Tennessee has an Open Primary, and me being the good Conservative that I am, I actually voted for the newbie Junior Senator from Illinois Barrack Hussein Obama in the Democratic Primary. I felt that Senator Hillary Clinton was the strongest adversary in that Falls election.

As the year went along, things digressed. About the time gasoline hit $4.00 @ gallon, I began to think "Yes they could". Then came the late September melt down, and you could see the slightly overweight ladies lining up to sing. I was not a happy camper. I actually thought the election would be a landslide, but when it came in at just 52.7%, I did have faith that things were not yet untenable. It was NOT a mandate. The remainder of the year I was very depressed, but not yet in need of Paxil Prozac, or Zoloft.

Being as how I am a "Part Of The Solution" kind of guy, this feeling sorry for myself was not cutting it. Near Christmas of 2008, I decided to just get over it. We are all Americans and truly want what is best for this great nation. I would not be "Part Of The Problem". Not yet ready to fully accept a Liberal agenda, but hey, the new guy promised the most Bi-Partisan Government in our History. That could not be too bad. Could it?

That enlightenment lasted less than one month. I think the deciding moment for me came when rahm emmanuel made an obscene gesture toward the Republicans at that Historic Event, and again when nancy and barry declared that "They Had Won". Of course that gaudy "In Your Face" victory celebration referred to as the "Historic Event" smacked of Terrell Owens planting the San Fransicko Forty Niner flag in that mid field star at Dallas.

It has now been nearly 20 months, and the "Party of Excess" has lived up to the hype. At some point, you have to produce positive results. They have not. Reminds me of a phrase my mother used to say. "You can't live on good looks."

BTW... Just for the record, I am doing whatever is necessary to be: "Part Of The Solution"!

Just 53 more days, but then who is counting.


  1. Well written, and a story many peole can relate to.

  2. Aye Aye & Thanks Cap! Guess I shold add:"Unless you are a prostitute you can not live on good looks."


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