Sunday, August 8, 2010

Where are the Protests?

Where are all the war protesters? Where are all the Obama lied our troops died signs? Where are all the storys holding our Commander in Chief (CIC) responsible for all the deaths in Afghanistan and Iraqi?

Since President Obama took over as CIC the death rate in Afghanistan has more than doubled. In 2008 we lost 155 Americans. In 2009 we lost more than double that – 317. If nothing changes we are on track to lose an even higher number of troops this year.

Where is Hollywood? Where is Cindy Shehan? Okay, in Cindy’s defense she is still criticizing the war – just the main stream media is totally ignoring her.

Is it time for us citizens to demand that our media step up and be responsible? Is it time for us to cease patronizing them when they engage in double standards of reporting? Is it time to hold the media responsible? What say yea citizens of the USA – are there any more patriots that are putting the country first instead of the win at any cost mentality that pervades the USA (and much of the world) today?


  1. Just Be

    Just finished reading Frank Marshall's piece in Florida Today... you're a mind reader... I came over here to add my opinion to his, and you'd written on the war....

    I'll post mine a little later

  2. Now I need to go read Frank Marshall's piece. Look forward to your post. Soon as things slow down I'll enjoy writing more detailed discussions on issues.

  3. Grumpy - Most like billy ayers and jane fonda actually support this wannabe, or are complicit with the Administration. Voicing opposition would be like kicking him while he is down.

  4. You know Billy Ayers was a sponsor of the "Turkish Floatilla" incident.. Once more people got killed making a point for a cause he was promoting.


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