Friday, August 20, 2010

Squrrels and Bears

I've taken a couple days off from the political, guess all good thing come to an end.  I hope everyone enjoyed my  " There I fixed it " and Seeing Things blogs.  There is only so much that could be said about the Ground Zero...  Muslims have every Constitutional Right to build the Mosque.  The American people have every Constitutional Right to object and to protest  Islamics using a site two football fields away from Ground Zero to resurrect the symbolism of the Great Mosque at Cordoba.  It hasn't been amusing listening to a thirty percent minority telling the rest of us how Americans are supposed to think.

I'll get back on topic in a second, but first one more set of pictures.  For now, watch the mother squirrel, she ain't happy.

Now look at the expression on the dogs face
You can almost here him asking himself if
it really happened.  Did I just get my butt
kicked by a momma squirrel ?!?!!!!?

The bigger question this fall for many Democrats is, I'm I gonna get my butt kicked by a bunch of Momma Grizzlies?  You guessed it, Sara Palin is back it the news.  And once again the mention of name is scaring the democratic hierarchy .  Most of the time the VP Candidate on the losing ticket in a presidential election fades away, she didn't.   Instead of being humbled by all the Palin bashers, she thrived on it.  In the grand scheme of things the semi coordinated bashing back fired.  It increased rather than hurt her overall name recognition..     

RCP By Erin McPike - August 19, 2010

If Sarah Palin runs for president in 2012, she'll have the building blocks of a coalition that extends beyond her star power - and even Democrats have taken notice.

From her list of endorsements, to her Mama Grizzlies' campaign-style video in July, to her Facebook message Wednesday commemorating the 90th anniversary of women's suffrage, Palin is courting female voters, the so-called "soccer moms" that have swung to Democrats in recent campaign cycles. The former Alaska governor is already eliciting responses from Democrats, who, through a series of initiatives this week, revealed some fear that she might be making an impact.

On Tuesday, EMILY's List launched a new effort, "Sarah Doesn't Speak for Me." A press release announcing the launch warned, "Sarah Palin has predicted a rising tide of mothers and women voters will support her so-called ‘Mama Grizzly' candidates. Today, we call upon women - and men! - to let their voices be heard and to reject Palin's reactionary candidates and backward-looking agenda. We're asking Democrats, Independents, and moderate Republicans who have no home - to join us in our new campaign." On the same day, the Democratic National Committee blasted an e-mail to supporters noting the 90th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment and reminding voters all that Democratic lawmakers have contributed to the women's movement................

Click the title and read the entire article.

Should we remind  EMILY"S list that 85 % of the Republican rank and file and over  60% of Indis aren't liking what they're seeing... and it's rational democrats that are now looking for a home.

Over the years democrats have carefully cultivated their image of a successful, independent and liberated woman.  Based to a great extent by the suggestion that Republicans are out to take away their rights.   Sarah Palin doesn't fit the profile, yet she's very successful.  She's as independent and opinionated as a person a person can possibly be..


I know at least one reader who will see that and rant about her being a stupid hillbilly, and how long it took her to finish college.  So before the rant starts, she made 15,000,000 last year, wonder how close he came.?  Another one will start quoting chapter and verse, the maliciously slanted propaganda Erza Kline an his Journolistas cooked up....    Heck, I know one that might try to start a Ben Smith type choris of "Bulldog, bulldog, bulldog...  if he can get his other personalities to chant along.

The only thing these folks accomplish by doing that is to boost Palin's image in the eye's of the public.  On top of that it's a waste of time Sara Palin isn't running for office at the moment.  In my opinion she's not likely too.  She's having fun and making money while she's laughing at the antagonists who are keeping her name on the spotlight.  If democratic loyalists consider her a threat, she's a threat of their own making.  If they hadn't gotten panicky and gone into fits of rage everytime she opened her mouth, no one would have cared.

If I'm wrong and she does run, her name recoginition and the expansion of her base will be a direct result of all the unfavorible publicity the democrats have given her.  As far as Americans are concerned now, she's been unfairly victimized by the far left wackos.  

It's almost funny, while the lefist elites currently in power has been telling Americans how Americans are supposed to think about issues, Sarah Palin never lost track of how Americans actually think.


  1. What no mole/varmint/critter on this one? Well like I said on the FT - "demo(n) - Yeah I saw it, but seems your afraid to post honest comments. Guess the truth is too painful. Anyway, it is a shame the Filibuster was in place back in 2002 and early 2005 when GWB tried to halt the impending train wreck. Anyway, moot issue come January."

  2. Had hoped they were over the juvenile antics, but that is what I get for expecting the goodness in mankind. Oh well, I still have 20-30 years. Giving up would be saying it is OK to saddle all future generations with this idiocy. That is no an option.


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