Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Much Ado about a Mosque

There is much ado being made over an Imam wanting to build a mosque near Ground Zero in New York. Talk show hosts, the President, and even the Senate Majority leader are all discussing it. Invariably they discuss this as a First Amendment issue. Even the action flick hero Chuck Norris has weighed in on the argument. Unfortunately they are all wrong.

This is not a First Amendment matter. Here is exactly what the First Amendment states:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

I challenge the reader (or any reader) to identify where the First Amendment prohibits or grants the right to build a mosque near Ground Zero. Nothing in the First Amendment addresses the siting or building of a mosque. Nor does the First Amendment (by any rational reading) prohibit Congress or New York from prohibiting the construction of a mosque within x city blocks of Ground Zero. It is well established that zoning rules may prohibit certain types of establishments from locating at certain areas. READ MORE AT: http://homilysansdeception.blogspot.com/2010/08/much-ado-about-mosque.html


  1. http://homilysansdeception.blogspot.com/2010/08/there-are-few-things-more-daunting-and.html

    Hopefully this will provide a hot link.

  2. I edited the link.. should work now.. nice site you're building

    It's not about the 1st Amendment.. It's about Historical Significance, and the message they are sending to the world.. Politically one of the worst defeats Islam ever had was when the Spanish kicked them out of Spain. Cordoba was the Islamic Capitol of the west The Fabled Mosque in Cordoba was a considered an Islamic world wonder. It was turned back into a Christian Church.. as it had been before the Moors arrived..

    The name Cordoba House is no accident.

    From there were could go into the Islamic custom of building high profile Mosques on ground a conquered people consider sacred. That list is so long...


    Sorry can't link that

    And where is the money coming from.. the deveolopers have ties to Lybia the Iman has ties to Hamas,, and the funding source has to be kept secret?

  3. We agree - it is not First Amendment and it is not religious freedom. Tis lack of sensitivity.

    It would seem this is at least as, if not more, offensive than the recent events involving word use by a talk show host. Hopefully Dr. Sowell will write about this soon - or perhaps Dr. Williams (or if we are lucky, both will address it).


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