Monday, August 16, 2010

The Mosque and other things

More and more it looks like the Democrats are in for big trouble this fall and the leader of the Democratic Party isn't helping the situation at all.  It looks more to me like he's tying to see how much carnage he can cause Democrats this fall.  Even loyal Democratic must be wondering what the heck he's thinking.  Those less loyal to the president have started to figure it out.  I know at least one person who'll read this and say I'm crazy (just before he tries to delete the post).  The headlines this morning seem to confirm I'm more in touch than Barack Obama. 

For several different reasons an overwhelming majority of Americans believe building a Mosque a few hundred yards from Ground Zero is a bad idea.  Yet on Friday, the President announced he was all for it... his comments were not well received.  Being an honest Chicago Politician he immediately tried to change the meaning of what he'd said (It's the Chicago way).  That led to headlines like this in the NY Post;

Unshakeable Bam's latest shaky stand  by Michael Goodwin

Thanks for nothing, Mr. President. Now we know how Arizona feels.

First Obama stood with the president of Mexico as he bashed Americans as bigots for exercising their right of democracy on illegal immigration.

Now he stands with the developers of a mega-mosque near Ground Zero that, outside of Mayor Bloomberg, few New Yorkers want.

As always, this self-described "citizen of the world" mounts his high horse to
emphasize that we must prove to foreigners how decent we are. "This is

America and our commitment to religious freedom must remain unshakeable," he declared.


I can already hear a few of my liberal friends complaining about me picking a headline written by a Conservative Author in a Conservative Paper.  Fair enough, as long they start referencing something besides the Daily Kos and Media Matters.  Just to keep them happy let's see what Rick Klien has to say on ABC's Analysis

World News' Political Insights: President Obama Adds Issue to Party's Challenge  Democrats Grumbling After Endorsement of Islamic Center Near Ground Zero

President Obama hits the campaign trail for congressional candidates this week missing one key piece of the Democrats' argument for 2010 -- and having added a fresh issue for his party to cope with in races nationwide.

Rick Klein dissects president's decisions in the Gulf and on Ground Zero.The missing piece is the economic rebound. The White House's heralded "summer of recovery" simply hasn't materialized; barring an astounding August turnaround, the nation will have fewer jobs at the end of the summer than it did at the beginning.

The new piece is the proposed Islamic center in Lower Manhattan. This one is all on Obama.

The president's decision to elevate a New York issue into a national one by speaking out at a dinner Friday night marking the start of Ramadan will spin it into campaigns across the country -- where candidates largely felt like they already had enough baggage to carry from Washington.
(Click the title to read the entire thing and watch the Video)

Speaking of the so called "Summer of Recovery", looks that was another case of Obamacises (promises that never come close to reality. Here's one example; Home builder confidence sinks for 3rd month

But there is more Americans are openly angry about.. It's almost as though this President is from another planet..  He doesn't seem to care what Americans think.

The people of Arizona asked for help to stop the flow of Gun Runners, drug smugglers and human traffickers that are entering the Country from the South.. When the president declined, they tried to taking matters into their own hands.. The President retaliated by having the Attorney General file a lawsuit to prevent Arizona from defending itself.  That didn't make a majority of Americans unhappy... It made them mad

The President continues to tout Obamacare, arguably the most hated law since Prohibition, as his greatest accomplishment. That's going to be very helpful in the fall.. Even Howard Dean, former Chair of the DNC has said he doesn't believe the law will pass Constitutional Muster.  One of the first court tests comes up in October.... only a few weeks before the election. 

If you're a Democratic Candidate, who supported the president's agenda for the last two years, you're probably less concerned about housing starts than where the President's disconnect with the American people leaves you personally. I recommend contacting your local unemployment office about retraining.   I just read something about some grants to re-train people over fifty for minimum wage jobs.. sounds like a good start, for an ex-politician

There has been an update to the Mosque story

Looks mostly like they couldn't put together the funding and decided to spin it for positive publicity


  1. After his supposed brilliance in defeating hillary, he really is off his game. I suppose it is the stress inherent with the position. Oh well, better for the good guys and gals.

  2. Love it when a plan comes together. Also love it when barry opens his mouth a bit too pre-maturely.

  3. He seems to have lost it.. come to think of it.. a few of supporters aren't acting completely rational either.


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