Sunday, August 1, 2010

More Transparent spin

In yesterday's blog I finished up talking about Obamcare, then the President decide to bring up he subject, considers that and Stimulus two of his finest accomplishments, here's what the President said.

From AP
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is giving himself a grade of "incomplete" for his presidency even though he says he has a "pretty good track record."

Obama tells CBS' "Sunday Morning" that his grade is incomplete because the economy has yet to fully rebound.
Still, Obama cites accomplishments — preventing a complete collapse of the economy, saving the financial markets and the auto industry, and passing the health care law.

The president says he feels sometimes that his administration isn't getting the credit it deserves, but he says that's because Americans remain scared, angry and frustrated.

I suppose an Incomplete is a better assessment than the  B+  he gave himself at the beginning of the year,  That had people laughing  for a week.  Jokes and his statements don't change reality though. 

In Missouri there is a ballot initiative that will not allow the state to participate in "Mandated Insurance purchasing" .  It's not likely to fail unless there's  100% voter turnout from the districts with more registered voters than people.  Since the the districts with the non existent voters are all minority districts that vote democrat AG Holder has dropped the lawsuit requiring the districts to purge their voter rolls. 

You say your name is Tom Sawyer and you want to vote in Missouri

Yes Sir, Mr Sawyer, Your names right here, Wow, this is the first time you've voted in a hundred years?

Seems Eric Holder believes it's discrimination not to allow people who don't exist to vote.  The Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan agrees, she fought the suit and she's fighting for NO ID voting.  She believes if you can tell the poll worker a name and the name is in the voter registry, you should be allowed to vote.   By the way, Robin Carnahan is running for the US Senate and she's pro illegal alien.  She, the Missouri Situation and Eric Holder are are the subject of another blog,

I'm not going to get into The Stimulus or Government Motors.  We know the Stimulus Job numbers are deliberately inflated, based not on fact but what economists on the White House payroll project they should be.  Government Motors was  gift to the unions and a way for Obama, not the American People to decide what Americans would drive.  Kind of like the original Volkswagen concept.

The other and maybe the biggest the worst case sought and basically won an injunction against the Arizona Illegal Alien Law.... Over and over the President has expressed empathy for Americans living along the border, at the end of last week we found found out he has more empathy fo Illegal Infiltrators than American Citizens.  Robert VerBruggen reports on the Corner:

According to an internal U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services memo going the rounds of Capitol Hill and obtained by National Review, the agency is considering ways in which it could enact “meaningful immigration reform absent legislative action” — that is, without the consent of the American people through a vote in Congress.

“This memorandum offers administrative relief options to . . . reduce the threat of removal for certain individuals present in the United States without authorization,” it reads.

Also: “In the absence of Comprehensive Immigration Reform, USCIS can extend benefits and/or protections to many individuals and groups by issuing new guidance and regulations, exercising discretion with regard to parole-in-place, deferred action and the issuance of Notices to Appear (NTA), and adopting significant process improvements.”

The American People have made it clear that they support Legal Immigration, not illegal infiltration..  Even the idiots in Congress have figured that out.  But the White House has been using taxpayer funds to figure out ways the President could avoid enforcing American Immigration Law...

Is it any wonder up to 80 Democratic Seats in the House of Representatives are at risk?  Is it any wonder that everyday you see a headline, every day about Obama Disconnect?  You tell me, comments are open, 


  1. Si Senor'... Me casa es su casa. Same for the Senate.

  2. The question is should I edit it before I link it to FT

  3. A good thing he did not set his term up on Pass/Fail....

  4. Marine; Rasmussen is still giving him a Strongly approve of 26%..

    It took FT an hour, hour and a half to take this down.. It survived their pass/fail test but it took them five hours to grade.

  5. YOU ARE THE BIGGEST F'ING RACIST IN BREVARD COUNTY, wHAT a weak minded f'ing baby you are! you can never win a debate you are like an old woman and you try to stab people in the back secretly crying to tom kehoe You are a totally pathetic and irrelevent kiss ass unworthy to be an American because you are a coward! you attack like an old woman and act like a sniveling coward. and your tenneesee queer buddy is as big a pussy as you are, I don't give a shit about either of you federal election campaign tax evading criminals. Karma will catch up to you and I am sure you will rot for your thousands of violations of federal laws and you will also be reported at every turn as well because thats what you dop to others and thats what you deserve Don't think Your a saint either We all read your F'ing Critter memos while you were screaming to tom keyhole's butthole

    a weak minded f'ing baby you are! you can never win a debate you are like an old woman and you try to stab people in the back secretly crying to tom kehoe You are a totally pathetic and irrelevent kiss ass unworthy to be an American because you are a coward! you attack like an old woman and act like a sniveling coward. and your tenneesee queer buddy is as big a pussy as you are, I don't give a shit about either of you federal election campaign tax evading criminals. Karma will catch up to you and I am sure you will rot for your thousands of violations of federal laws and you will also be reported at every turn as well because thats what you dop to others and thats what you deserve Don't think Your a saint either We all read your F'ing Critter memos while you were screaming to tom keyhole's butthole


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