Saturday, August 21, 2010

Distress Sale, must sell immediately,

"Has ObamaCare’s Unpopularity Caused" ,  

‘Abject Panic at the White House"

was the title of the CATO Article about the White House Spin Masters, hiring outside experts to help them try and prevent Obamacare from becoming the political nightmare everyone in the country except Obama loyalists warned them about.

The title on the Politico article reads  "Dems retreat on health care cost pitch"   another major political site,  McClatchy avoided mentioning the story and published a story about  "New health care plans for uninsured off to slow start",  seems even the people eligible for early sign-up portion of the program aren't breaking down the doors.

In my opinion the Cato Version of the story is better, even though it's largely based on Politico's piece.  I might have been influenced a little by this picture at the top of the Cato article.

See what I mean

The Cato dicussion starts off with this lead;

Posted by Michael F. Cannon;   
Politico has obtained and published a confidential messaging-strategy presentation that essentially admits ObamaCare supporters are losing the battle for public opinion. The presentation was delivered to professional leftists by the left-wing Herndon Alliance, based on public opinion research by Democratic pollsters John Anzalone, Celinda Lake, and Stan Greenberg, in a forum organized by the left-wing group Families USA, “one of the central groups in the push for the initial legislation.” It is a stark admission that the public has not warmed to the new health care law, despite predictions that they would do so.

If you clicked on the professional leftists link up above you get a good idea who Cannon is talking about.. I could supply a better definition, but I'd end up violating my own TOS rules,  most of you from Florida Today will understand if I just say "Woofie".

Politicians in general, the Obama team specifically, are masters of spin.  Obama has been mixing fiction with a little fact and producing saleable product since his days as a community  organizer.  He's good at it, one of the best, his skill at spin is one of the biggest reasons he's President.  What's gone so wrong that the master of spin has to hire other spin masters (probably at tax payer expense) to try and save his party from a shellacking in November.. Remember this

If Republicans want to campaign against what we’ve done… that is a fight I want to have.” – Barack Obama on health care, Jan. 14

Appearently not any more.

I mentioned earlier that many,  most of us knew when Obamacare was forced through Congress and shoved down our throats the American People wouldn't react well.  try telling your kids you're fixing leftover liver, the forth night straight. for dinner and they'll eat it or else.  One of the points the White House Hired Spin Doctors make several times in their presentation,  Obamacare is The Law.  Think about that leftover liver, like it or not you're going to eat it... get used to it.  The Parent might win, until the kid figures out the family dog's sitting patiently nearby..  

We don't have a helpful dog to save us from Obama, and "You have to pass it to find out what's in it" Pelsoi.  We have November, American's are about to tell the President exactly what they think of the way he cooks liver and forces lies about it being good down their throats.  He's scared and his party's scared.  Being the brilliant leader he is.. he hired experts, to tell him how to try. one more time (since the first hundred failed) to sell Obamacare.

Here's the actual  Power Point Presentation the White House paid for so they could learn how  Obama can salvage the November election and sell Obamacare to at least some of the voting public

Disappointed?  I was too.  You know if the Presentation was prepared for the Democratic Party at the request of the White House, it wasn't cheap.  I know of at least two other bloggers who's paying job is sales, that would have been happy to earn whatever the White House paid for that in an afternoon... but the big focus was;

Forget the older people.. they see this for what it is.

If you use your Authoritative Image you can convince people that because it's the law, they can no longer fight it so they better like it. 

It's not going to save anyone any money, but we didn't lie. we just mucked it up, a lot.  Give us another two years and we'll fix it.

Target younger  less educated people.  Politico puts it this way.

The presentation concedes that groups typically supportive of Democratic causes — people under 40, non-college educated women, and Hispanic voters — have not been won over by the plan. Indeed, it stresses repeatedly, many are unaware that the legislation has passed, an astonishing shortcoming in the White House’s all-out communications effort.

The Obamacare fight made headlines in every major and most minor news outlets world wide for a year and a half.  The Government has spent an incredible amount of money publicizing the law.  Obama has given countless speeches promoting his "Most Important Accomplishment" (In his opinion only).  How stupid do the Educated Elitist who run the Democrat Party think their support base is?

Leave a comment and let me know...  

Yeah, and from the sales pro's I'd know what they would have charged the White House and how long it would have taken them to put this together.... keeping in mind the WH has an almost unlimited budget to promote Obamacare.


  1. Grumpy - Yeah. Really only 3 or 4 hard core left. The rest are too ashamed and embarrased. Even having some Republicans running unopposed in some local races. Really only get the malcontents on the Letters to the editor, and an occasional opinion column. The perps are quail2, belliot, and davidc, and pip-gop, but even he is about to come around. My mallet is worn but still quite effective.

  2. Looks like I'll have to start babysitting comments on Florida Today and Posting them here.


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