Tuesday, August 24, 2010

FOX, Mosque and Prince

Yesterday the opinion blog section of Florida Today published a blog titled

FOX NEWS CORP MAJOR SHARE HOLDER Supports Severing Man's Spinal Column as Punishment
by wrong2beRight

The blogger pointed out accurately that Saudi Arabia Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, (one of the many prices in Saudi Arabia without political power),  is the largest holder of   News-corps stock (FOX News) outside of the Murdock Family. Unmentioned:  The Prince also owns major block of stock in AOL, Apple Inc., MCI Inc., Motorola Citibank and Euro Disney.  The blogger then pointed out that "Saudi Arabia enforces strict Islamic law and  doles out punishments based on the ancient legal code of an eye-for-an-eye." This is also true, the Saudis like most Muslim Countries conform to Sharia Law, the Law of God.

There are big differences of opinion in the interpretation of Gods Law.. that happens after fourteen centuries of lawyers and clerics defining the law to fit a specific situation then applying that opinion to a different remotely similar occurrence... The Saudis adhere to an interpretation that generally mandates the punishment fit the crime.  Many crimes are hideous, that's true anywhere,  so very often the penalties would fit our concept of "Cruel and Unusual..

If you read the blog "FOX NEWS CORP MAJOR SHARE HOLDER Supports Severing Man's Spinal Column as Punishment"  you'll understand that in my opinion the blogger was doing pretty good, up to that point.  Yeah, he left out some business holding, that doesn't seem like a big oversight, no big deal.

Then something seems to happen... this video might help explain what happens next.

Seems like the Video link got broken click here

Liberalism is a mental health disorder disease illness

The following is a direct quote from FOX NEWS CORP MAJOR SHARE HOLDER Supports Severing Man's Spinal Column as Punishment"

"Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal owns a the Largest Stake in News Corp — the parent company of Fox News — making him the largest shareholder outside the family of News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch.

Saudi Arabia enforces strict Islamic law and occasionally doles out punishments based on the ancient legal code of an eye-for-an-eye.

So does that mean Fox News will support the Saudi Law which is looking for an eye for an Eye Justice in the Stock Holder's way of the thinking?

A Saudi judge sentences a man to paralysis as punishment for

paralyzing another man. Will the Tea Party start ADVOCATING


Huh. what did I miss?  In a few quick steps he took the fact an international businessman owns stock in American Company and turned it into a FOX inspired TEA PARTY conspiracy to severing peoples spines.   

Let's drop back a few steps

He was referring to the case of Abdul-Aziz al-Mutairi, 22, if he had linked to any of the articles I've seen readers would have seen that this case is controversial even in Saudi Arabia.

He never validates in any way his statement that the Prince is advocating severing a mans spine.  He doesn't mention the Prince has no authority in the matter one way or the other.

He does however tell readers the Prince is advocating for this punishment, so therefore FOX News is as well.  He didn't offer link to support that either.  I haven't seen or heard anything that confirms that.  Have any of you? 

From there he makes a big jump Will the Tea Party start ADVOCATING PARALYZING NEXT if FOX says it's OK?  Sounds like something Ezra Kline might have said in Journolista emails.

From there on he talks for a while about the relationship between the Prince, FOX, The Saudi Government, Oil Dependence, Cap and trade and a couple other things.  He made couple good points.  I share some of his concerns about foreign ownership of  American Media.  In fact I'll go farther than that.   I'm concerned about amount of US Real Estate owned by Foreign Corporations.  I'm upset that we must rely on the Russians to get to the Space Station.  The amount of money we owe Foreign Governments scares the hell out of me.  

Then........... well, this is how he concludes..


After a certain Blogger Beware darkened my posts, this blog disappeared! I will make all comment be approved from now on to limit the trashy remarks from FOX HOUNDS!

The jump to paralyzing Illegal aliens for jumping the border is............. somebody help me here, I can't think of a word that fits. 

It won't surprise anyone reading this that I'm the Evil Blogger Beware commenter that darkened his post, this is how I did it.

I simply asked if he was aware that charities run by Iman Feisal Abdul Rauf a primary fundraiser and sponsor of the Ground Zero Mosque had received over $300, 000.00 in donations from the Prince

I had Nothing to do with his blog or the comments being removed from the rotation.  I was looking forward to his reply.  

As a little side note Prince Al-Waleed owns roughly 7% of News Corp.  That leaves 93 % he doesn't own. 
I'm unsure how much of Disney or Citi Bank he owns,
In April 2009, Prince Waleed bin Talal donated $20 million to Harvard University, one of its 25 largest donations.

How did everyone like the video? 


  1. Grumpy - Great Blog. As to that spinal cord support, sean penn, michael moore, and bill maher also hope VP Cheney and Rush get cancer. Then there is that dim wit on FT who hopes I go blind. Evidently hypocrisy or a feeble attempt to become an honorary member of the journolists.

  2. Alwaleed doesn't simply own 7% of News Corp, he's
    the Murdoch family's biggest ally on its board and has all sorts of business dealings with them
    in the Middle East. More to the point, his Kingdom Foundation is a major funder of radical
    Wahabi mosques in the West, of radical madrassas
    in Pakistan, and of Islamist front groups like CAIR. Although Jon Stewart thought he was making
    an ironic joke, it's accurate to say that Fox profits help fund radical Islam. And byt the way,
    the Murdochs are not American and News Corp is not in fact an American company.

  3. What was it the used say, an E for effort?

    Have to agree, his blog is very similar to the thought process that makes everyone who doesn't fully agree with Obama a rascist.

    The Obama is Black, therefore if you don't agree with everything that comes out of his mouth, you are rascist.

  4. Anonymous

    Shhhh Be nice, it's politically incorrect to suggest CAIR might be involved with the Arab Brotherhood, Hamas or any one of the dozens of other groups they help fund.

    Murdoch and Alwaleed are businessmen. Money is key. Politics and religion all play different roles in their lives.. even though they are intertwined,

    What I may not have have made clear in my Blog, is yesterday the person bashing Fox the Prince was bashing racist conservatives for being afraid where the Mosque funding was coming from

    I'm aware that Murdoch isn't American although FOX typically supports basic American Idea's. I was unaware the corporation was registered outside the US

  5. Damn, quite ironic that a foreign owned media outlet is the most fair and balanced. Who'd of thunk Americans would have come up with that journolist and a foreign media group would actually believe in "Freedom Of The Press". I guess stranger things have happened. Like a complete idiot being elected POTUS.

  6. Hungarian Born, he's supposed to have been naturalized many years ago in NYC.

    Murdoch's an Aussi, ideologically, they're very similar to Americans


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