Thursday, August 26, 2010

Florida Today Fires First Liberal-Media Volley Against Rick Scott's General Election Campaign

If I had the power of the pen, my headline for tomorrow would read "'Bigoted'. Florida Today Fires First Liberal Volley Against Rick Scott."

Matt's column in today's FL Today was the first local liberal media attack against Rick Scott in the general election. Matt's liberal bias is showing itself more and more these days...and like most other liberal elites, he is throwing the race/bigotry card on the table with no proof. Such tactics have worked in the past for the liberals and they believe it'll work again. Americans should pray that tactic has worn itself out.

Matt wrote that Scott's video said "'Barack Obama says building a mosque at Ground Zero is about tolerance. He's wrong. The truth: Muslim fanatics murdered thousands of innocent Americans on 9/11, just yards from the proposed mosque . . . The truth: The fight against terrorism isn't over. Mr. President, Ground Zero is the wrong place for a mosque.'"

Then Matt "translated" Scott's words for his readers, who he must believe are unable to think and read for themselves (another liberal elitist tendency). Matt wrote, "Translation: Muslims don't deserve the same First Amendment rights as Baptists, Methodists or Catholics. Statements by the White House (and a would-be Florida governor) should matter in a New York City zoning case. American Muslims who want to build a mosque in the "wrong place" are all suspicious, if not terrorists."

What basis did Matt use to opine that Scott's advertisement against the placement of the NYC mosque is "bigoted?" Scott's advertisement did NOT call for cancelling the mosque. Neither did he advocate denying the right of Muslims to practice their fate.

Scott merely gave voice to what most Americans believe. Given the attack by Muslim extremists (which resulted in parts of one of the airplanes severely damaging the particular building in question) a mosque in that building does not contribute to religious harmony (which is a stated "objective" of the mosque/cultural center).

Matt needs to understand his readers are smarter than he gives them credit for. Many of us have fought in numerous wars for his right to freely use his journalistic talents. We did our jobs, now we expect him to do his by RESPONSIBLY and FAIRLY exercising his God-given talents.


  1. If Scott is a true representative of the Republican party, then I'm changing to Independent. Also this mosque issue is being blown out of proportion. It's merely a NYC zoning issue. Do we want the federal government looking at every local issue--I don't think so. If the mosque was to be built ON the 9/11 site, it might be a moral issue, but how far away is acceptable? NJ?
    I'm an admitted bigot, I don't like muslims, but that's no reason to try and "gut" our constitution and invite the federal government into our back pocket.

  2. Bud, the Towers were almost 1400' tall, this site is 600 feet away, depending on where you measure... If they had toppled instead of pancaking, there's a damned good chance this buiding wouldn't be there to talk about.

    Nothing wrong with being an Independent, been one for decades..

    Morgan, good to see you back. if you look a little bit, the Evil Saudi Prince of FOX is helping fund the Mosque. Shhh kept it quiet, they don't want that part mentioned.


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