Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Democrat's Fall

The Last Seven Days haven't been kind to to Obama or the Democrats, but they've given America, The World and themselves an indication of what we'll see happen this fall.  While most people in the Mid Atlantic are looking forward to falling leaves and and cooler temperatures, DC Democrats are dreading a fall of their own.  Events this past week are going to give them more publicity than they want.   I'm sure they'll try and blame George Bush and Darth Cheney,  they always do, this time it will be a difficult spin, here's why:

The cartoon says all:  House Speaker Pelosi's commitment to Drain the Swamp, suddenly left the Dems up to their collective rear ends in alligators.   Public opinion of Obamacare and the Lawsuit against Arizona is about to go to court, in more ways than one.   

I'd guess when Nancy Pelsoi promised to clean up Congress she envisioned making the then badly beaten and demoralized Republicans look even worse than they did then. 

One thing, I'm sure she did not envision was holding corruption trials for two key democrats in the finial weeks before an election, but that's what going to happen;

Last week the House Ethic Committee officially opened the Ethics Charges filed against Charlie Rangel, once one of the most powerful men in the Country.  As chairman of he Ways and Means Committee, he had a great deal of influence in what did and didn't get funded.    Rangel is not willing to resign for the good of Obama, Pelosi and The Democratic Party.  Regardless of what happens the publicity will be brutal, and from the Democrats point of view, ugly.

This week Corruption Charges were filed against Democrat Maxine Waters, another long time and vocal member of Congress.  Waters will also be tried this fall.  She has already made it very clear see won't quietly sacrifice herself for Obama and Party.... And Pelosi knows Maxine is not shy about sharing her opinions.  Too make matters worse Waters has indicated many times that she's a Democrat because they have a socialist agenda, and she believes in socialism.  Expect the media, the pundunts and the Republicans to bring that up early and often.

Whether the trials are back to back or happen the at the same time won't make much difference.  At the very least the trials of two high ranking Democrats will be held less than two months before one of the most important off year elections in history.  For the Democrats, it's a " damned if you do and damned if you don't" don't situation.   The charges tell voters that the Democrats have a corruption problem, all the way to the top.  If both are  are vindicated voters will perceive a cover up.  If they are both found guilty, what's now perception will become fact in voter's minds. 

My guess is Congressional Democrats will try for offsetting losses, guilt, innocence and fairness will yeild to politics.  One will be found innocent, my money is on Charlie.  The other, probably Waters, will be expelled and never allowed to return to Congress.   Democrats will be try to spin the one guilty verdict into a testimonial about the the Party's ethical integriety and fairness.   The real motives are not at all ethical or fair but these are professional politicains, the party comes first.  

Obama also is going to get some publicity this fall, we cat leave him out..  Lawsuits and new voter approved mandates about Obamacare are going to hit the fan this fall.  The DOJ Arizona Lawsuit is also going to be back in Court this fall.  So is the Virgina Lawsuit against Obamacare  All just in time for the election... but that,......is another blog.   Mean time



  1. GE - plenty of time to find dirt on Repubs, too - lots of skeletons in both side's closets. Just interesting how they all get uncovered at election time. And Cheney will probably have died by then.

    Want to take bets on the Nov election outcomes?

  2. That was quick,

    Unless something changes I expect the democrats to get their butts kicked... They made the mistake early on of interrupting the Anti Bush vote as a progressive liberal mandate. It will cost them..

    I expect that two years from now when a fed up nation tosses Obama, Republicans will fall into the same trap

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