Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Democrats Autumn, early ice?

Yesterday I was talking about how I expected the publicity around the Fall Trials of long time Congressional Democrats Rangel and Waters to affect Novembers Midterms.  But the biggest problem for he Democratic Party this fall may be the President himself.  Lately on any given morning  you can find articles like these'

 What Went Wrong With Obama? - Jay Cost, RealClearPolitic

White House Increasingly Out of Touch - David Keene, The Hill

The President seems to be continually pushing parts of an agenda many occasionally most Americans don't like. When Congress won't do it his way he announced he'll use executive authority, and do it anyway.  His lawsuit against Arizona is disliked as much as the Healthcare Reform Law he shoved through Congress.  Over the seven days. Healthcare and his "War on Arizona"  as  one paper called it,  have made the news. 

He may have declared War on Arizona, but yesterday Missouri Voters declared war on him. 

They approved a ballot initiative that requires the State not to adhere to new Federal Mandate that forces individuals to purchase Health Insurance.  They approved it knowing full well the state would have to assume the cost of fighting it in a court case they were likely lose because of the Supremacy Clause in the Constitution.    Several States have already passed laws against the mandate, this was the first time the voters have made their opinion know at the ballot box.

71 % of the voters told the President, to no uncertain terms, to put his 2000 page Health Bill in the bathroom and find another use for the paper it's written on.   Missourians know that vote will cost the state millions of dollars, and they are likely to lose in court... Yet. to them it was worth it to send a message.

Sill on the subject of Obama care, the Administration lost a skirmish in the Lawsuit filed by Virginia against Obamacare.  Virginia already passed a law exempting it's citizens from the Federal Mandate.   The Administration argued the State, meaning the citizens of Virginia had no standing in the mater.   The Judge decided differently, and set a court date, in October, only weeks before the election.  Even if the President wins, the democrats lose.  Obamacare is an emotionally charged issue, the vote count in Missouri confirms what the polls have been saying for months.  With Obamacare fresh in their minds, AGAIN, the voters will let he politicians know how they feel.

We have a similar situation in Arizona, last week a Federal Judge granted the Administration a temporary injunction that prevented some of the most controversial portions of SB 1070 the Arizona Immigration Law from going into effect.  A small victory for the Administration, not the one they wanted.   The DOJ had assumed the judge would simply toss the law and it would be a forgotten issue in November.  If that happened the other twenty or so states in the process of passing similar laws would be likely to wait and see what happened.  The Judge, Susan Bolton was in no hurry to become a hero, or a scroundrel.  She gave the DOJ part of the injunction they wanted, but not all of it.  SB1070 will stay in the news and it will be big news in the days before the election.

Public Opinion in support of  Arizona SB1070 is as strong nation wide as public opposition to Obamacare in Missouri.  It's almost as though Obama is trying to do to the Democrats in two years what it took Bush eight to do to the Republicans. 


  1. If people are so against the Healthcare Reform bill, why haven't the states stepped up to the plate - or why haven't representatives pushed for state's taking this responsibility with states cooperating with each other?

    And, how has this healthcare reform bill different from all the others that sank into oblivion?

  2. At least Twenty States, including Florida, have lawsuits pending against the Federal Government in attempts to have the thing overturned. A bunch have passed or currently trying to pass laws making the mandate illegal in their state.

    Virginia happened to lucky enough to get to court first. Missouri is the first State to hold a voter referendum on the law.

    Never before in our history has Congress mandated Americans to purchase something from a private corporation a an obligation of citizenship.

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  4. Just like the original DB spamming hate

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