Friday, August 27, 2010

Charlie Chameleon

I wasn't planning on writing anything political today, then I saw Good Old Charlie Crist was auditioning for a role in the  "How to be a Political Chameleon" show scheduled to open in Washington DC sometime in January.  Judging from the previews the show should keep the entire Country entertained for the entire two years it's scheduled to run.

That's the question Floridians are going to need to to answer between now and November and it's not going to be easy. His bio and political track record are easy enough to check out. That should tell us what we need to about the man who wants to become the Junior United States Senator from Florida.  It doesn't.  Charlie Crist seems to change his mind faster than a ninety year old with altimers.

Take a look at this Video

From the video it seeems Charlie might have changed his opinion on abortion, again.   In 1998 Crist ran for Senate as a pro-choice candidate, and has stated multiple times that he opposes overturning Roe vs. Wade.  In Crist's 2010 campaign for Senate Crist campaigned as a pro-life candidate while he was running as a Republican.  Now his view is? 

His changing website makes it look like looks like the same question can be asked about his views on every issue that got him elected Florida's Governor.   He supported limited offshore oil drilling before he opposed it.  No more discussion of the Second Amendment.  He used to have opinions on taxes... if he still does, he doesn't want it made public at the moment

Yesterday our aspiring  Chameleon proved his ability to change, while trying to set a new one day record.  Watch this;


In a TV interview Good Old Charlie  completely forgot that he's been Opposed to Obamacare and supported Florida's Law suit to have it ruled Unconstitutional

In this story by William Marsch on Tampa Bay online, Crist says he'd have voted for health care, then retracts—'I misspoke'  puts it this way;

 Even Crist supporters would have to acknowledge he's shown flexibility in his views since he began becoming alienated from the Republican Party, but this reversal is in a different category.

It seems comparable to the time Crist told a television interview he never supported Obama's stimulus package. In fact, he had been well-documented as supporting it, which newspapers immediately pointed out. In subsequent interviews, Crist has readily acknowledged having supported the stimulus.

Shortly after Rubio put out a news release on Crist's statement, the Crist campaign issued a statement saying Crist misspoke. The statement:

"Apparently, based on an interview this afternoon, there may be some confusion regarding my position on health care. If I misspoke, I want to be abundantly clear: the health care bill was too big, too expensive, and expanded the role of government far too much. Had I been in the United States Senate at the time, I would have voted against the bill because of unacceptable provisions like the cuts to the Medicare Advantage program. But being an independent, I have the freedom to be an honest broker for the people of Florida without regard for political party, and the reality is this: despite its serious flaws, the health care bill does have some positive aspects.

I haven't head any comments from skilled Health Care Flip-Flop Expert, Congressional Representative Susan Kosmas yet.  Somehow I think she'll just watch this play out without expressing much of an opinion.

It didn't take long for Kendrick Meeks, the democrats "Official" US Senate Candidate to observe that; "Crist has political amnesia.

The Republican Candidate Marco Rubio was more direct.;  "This is getting ridiculous ... [Crist] doesn't actually care about health care, he only cares about getting himself elected."

It's possible it has something to do with this.



That fits well with this,.

 Top Obama backer hosts fundraiser for Crist's independent bid  By Shane D'Aprile - 08/24/10

 Florida Democrat Freddy Balsera, who led President Obama's outreach to Hispanic voters during the 2008 campaign, is aiding Gov. Charlie Crist's independent Senate bid.

Balsera hosted a fundraiser for Crist on Monday at a steakhouse in Coral Gables, Fla. His name appeared atop an invitation sent out by the Crist campaign. According to the invite, the minimum to attend was $500 per person.

Crist has been wooing Democratic donors to his independent campaign, even with the presence of Rep. Kendrick Meek (D-Fla.) in the race
I believe Kendrick Meeks is the official Democratic Candidate but Charlie Crist is The real Democratic Candidate.  What do you think  ???


  1. Nationally it looks like charie and meek are splitting the dem/indy vote. That worked very well in 1980 and again in 1992. Any chance we could convince kucinich to run for POTUS in 2012 as an Independent?

    Bawney is also now pandering for votes. He came out seeking to get rid of F&F. That is rich from one of the primary perpetrators to the Economic collapse.

    Also seeing harry, howie & Rep wasserman-shultz bucking the remainder in their flock. Not sure about howie, but guess the other 2 are also in close races.

  2. I'm posting this for Ronnie Raygun, a Florida Today regular

    Charlie Crist is doing what any savvy ex-politico does. Remain marketable and controversial.

    Seems to be working well for Newt and Sarah doen't you think?

    Voting for a half billion boondogle called the Bridge to Nowhere then voting against it. I coud go on and on with these two but won't.

    If Crist wants to go full on Dem, I say why not. He's been dealing with these Cheney hacks long enough. What sane person wants them as advisors or contemporaries. Besides, the Dem strategists could use his insde knowledge. That's the crux as to why the GOP detest him so, not because he left "sacred ground" but that he poses a real threat in knowing how they plan and operate.

    Gives new meaning to "Going Rogue" doesn't it.

    If I was his PR advisor, and knowing the minds of most of the voting chuckleheads in this country ( no preferred party designator, they all rely on pundits too much) I would suggest a spot on "Dancing With the Stars".

    Name and Face recognition to an audience base larger than all three major cable news networks combined. Make that FOUR times larger than all three combined.

    Again, staying in the limelight being devoured by controversy is the best a politician can hope for. Certainly worked and has continued to work for WJC. He still commands a higher approval rating than Reagan post presidency.

  3. Crist was dumped by the Republican Party because he "hugged" our President and accepted money to help keep thousands of Floridans employed. I suspect he was expecting a handshake, and was a surprised as any one else about the hug. Once dumped, he no longer felt compelled to religiously follow the inane Florida Republican dogma. So--he vetoed the school bill that would put administration of schools and control of hiring and firing in the hands of FLorida governmental bureaucrats and the bill intended to inflict financial and mental pain on women and girls getting an abortion. I think most women don't take the procedure lightly, and most that opt for it would just prevent adding to the welfare rolls.

  4. I think you just helped me decide to vote for Crist. Someone who would put his constituents ahead of his party. A novel idea!!!

  5. Agree on both Bud.. I will add that Birth Contol involves less mental pain than abortion. I'm prety sure you were taught, or at least your girl frinds were that sex causes pregnancy.

    SB 6 was idiocy on the part of the legislature. If you recall I posted several blogs on the subject at the time.

    That has nothing to do with his flip flop on a host of other issues.

    And, the question remains

    Who is the real Democratic Candidate..

  6. Not sure how far to trust someone who changes consitituents and beliefs every couple years

  7. Just noticed these three vanished, two were returned, my first comment, about comments vanishing was deemed unsuitible.. and TOSed

    Grumpyelder wrote:
    Yesterday a politically moderate poster who comments on my blogs reqularly had comments removed... Not by Florida Today for any TOS violations, but because some anonymous individual, to cowardly to use their name whaen they make abuses reports, considers removing peoples thoughts a game.

    Comments are welcome here, poster who have concerns about their Non TOS-able comments are also encourage to post them at, where they will be safe

    8/28/2010 11:39 AM EDT on
    Recommend Report Abuse Permalink

    HuckFinnsghost wrote:
    Sure do seem to happen a bunch on this here newspaper.
    8/28/2010 11:45 AM EDT on
    Recommend Report Abuse Permalink

    USMC-1969 wrote:
    Nationally it looks like charie and meek are splitting the dem/indy vote. That worked very well in 1980 and again in 1992. Any chance we could convince kucinich to run for POTUS in 2012 as an Independent?

    Bawney is also now pandering for votes. He came out seeking to get rid of F&F. That is rich from one of the primary perpetrators to the Economic collapse.

    Also seeing harry, howie & Rep wasserman-shultz bucking the remainder in their flock. Not sure about howie, but guess the other 2 are also in close races.
    8/28/2010 12:13 PM EDT on
    Recommend Report Abuse Permalink

    8/28/2010 1:26 PM EDT on
    Recommend Report Abuse Permalink

  8. Grumpy, When I was growing up, if you got her pregnant, you married her--no ifs ands or buts.

  9. A very important consideration, and one hell of a deterent


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